Ending workplace discrimination
Written by Will Pak Poy
Discrimination is defined as treating somebody differently, either positively or negatively, because of their personal characteristics such as race, age, sex, skin color, or sexual orientation.
We have seen, over the last 30 or so years, great strides for rectifying and improving workplace discrimination.
- The Age Discrimination Act
- The Racial Discrimination Act
- The Australian Human Rights Commision
We still have so far to go.
We need to implement laws to prevent and protect against discrimination in the following fields:
- An individual being out of the workforce
- Marital status
- Australia is one of the only countries in the world which doesn't guarantee equal pay across all genders.
- Our current legislation is too vague, and has too many loopholes.
Australia's anti-discrimination laws have not been consistetly amended to follow social changes.
If our country wants to remain known as a diverse, and culturally accepting country, we need to amend our discrimination laws to protect our people.
If our party is elected, we will implement a mandatory zero-tolerance anti-discrimination policy, and overhaul the system for reporting discrimination to ensure that it is simple.